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Our approach to delivering a sustainable lighting solution is entrenched in all of our processes...

This will include a measure of the proposed energy demand and carbon usage compared of new lighting to an existing scheme. This will be carried out using the lighting professions LightCOre tool, which will provide energy costs and the carbon usage through a prescribed life and even review its maintenance program. We but a measure of the new lighting installation

So whether your are keen to reduce your monthly electricity bill, reduce your carbon footprint or specify more environmentally friendly products Array Lighting has the industry knowledge and experience to ensure you are delivering the most sustainable lighting available.

Array Lighting working with Birmingham City Council have produced an Eco-Lighting report for their residential streets which will allow the City Council to make substantial savings when implemented. A copy is available upon request. Please e-mail info@arraylighting.co.uk for a copy or click on the report image below:

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Array Lighting Ltd
07968 823066
0121 240 8808

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